I am well trained in the area of addiction, anxiety, and depression. I grew up in Poland, where I spent many years studying addiction in the Neurosis Clinic of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw. I then moved to New York, where I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (BSW) at York College and my Master’s in Social Work (MSW) at Lehman College. I completed my three-year clinical training at the St. Mark’s Place Institute for Mental Health. During my post-graduate studies, I learned techniques around mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, and acceptance. I have degrees from both Poland and the US, and I am familiar with the struggles that surround acculturation. But beyond my degrees, my ‘toolbox’ is filled with ideas from arts and sports, to education, spiritual and motivational development. I use TeleMentalHelth Services and I am a certified provider of that service.